Minister submits a proposal of abroad Mongolians voting

At Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister G.Zandanshatar submitted a proposal of rules to take vote of abroad Mongolians at diplomatic missions of Mongolia.

The minister has suggested establishment of election temporary commissions at 40 diplomatic missions of Mongolia to organize establishing sub- commissions, registering voters who have rights to vote, taking voting of voters and providing secretes of voting.

The proposal has suggested pass of rules to take vote by a joint protocol of the Chief of Election General Committee and Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister. Abroad Mongolians who have rights to vote should be registered at diplomatic missions before two weeks of polling day. Voters could write supported a party or an alliance and would put ballot paper to boxes. If voter would not have ability to vote, he or she could ask a trustee who has voting rights.

Election temporary commissions should deliver voting sum to Election General Committee after a day of voting, according to the proposal. Nowadays, 70,000 Mongolians who have voting rights live abroad and 33,000 of them have registered to civil new registration.

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