Japan's Feb coking coal imports by source

March 29 (Reuters) - Following is a table of customs-cleared coking coal imports for February
released by Japan's Ministry of Finance on Thursday.

Figures are converted from yen to U.S. dollars using Japan Customs' official conversion rate.
Volumes are expressed in tonnes.

Country Feb Feb Jan Jan M/M Yr/Yr YTD Yr/Yr YTD
Name Tonnes $/Tonne Tonnes $/Tonne % % Tonnes % $/T
China 13,200 181.07 52,737 318.68 -75.0 -94.7 65,937 -79.6 291.45
Mongolia 19,105 299.30 - 19,105 298.84
Indonesia 1,630,984 137.88 1,812,973 137.53 -10.0 -1.5 3,443,957 11.2 137.70
Russia 217,422 205.53 233,828 248.06 -7.0 104.6 451,250 15.2 227.60
Canada 386,991 295.47 390,211 293.32 -0.8 -48.9 777,202 -40.7 294.38
USA 412,082 299.59 229,692 314.06 79.4 -7.4 641,774 -19.7 304.64
Australia 3,071,337 234.45 3,671,552 245.61 -16.3 33.7 6,742,889 21.9 240.55
Total 5,751,121 214.84 6,390,993 221.02 -10.0 4.3 12,142,114 5.4 218.10

(Reporting by Osamu Tsukimori in Tokyo; Editing by Edmund Klamann)

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