Ch.Saikhanbileg: Draft election law to be passed this week

After the DP caucus meeting, caucus chairman Ch.Saikhanbileg briefed journalists on the meeting.

Members discussed three issues and heard a report on the draft election law from a working group. The working group talked about the election structure, women’s quota, political parties’ criteria, and ethnic groups.

It stated that it will meet again.

The DP caucus hopes to pass the proposed 2012 budget by December 1 and the draft election law on Thursday or Friday.

It also discussed a draft law on the regulation of lawyers and members approved it for further discussion.

The last issue of the meeting was pensions, with members postponing further discussion.

Ch.Saikhanbileg said members were united on a 20 percent quota for women MPs. He said that figure meets the suggestions of incumbent women MPs and women-headed NGOs.

He added that representatives of ethnic groups will have at least as many candidates as their current number of MPs.

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