Mongolian delegation studies U.S. experience in uranium exploration

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ Mongolian delegation--P.Altangerel and Ts.Batbayar MPs, a director of "Monatom" company R.Badamdamdin--was on a mission in Washington November 7-9 within the "Mining sector institutional technical asistance project".

The delegation has studied the U.S. experience in uranium exploring, using and enriching it, in nuclear fuel production, also got acquainted with legal regulations, orders and instructions concerning uranium exploration and with controlling procedures for these provisions. In particular, a detailed presentation has been given to the delegation on the process of working out the orders and rules needed for the observing the law on Nuclear regulatory commission. The sides have come to an agreement to cooperate in preparing staff for the uranium field.

Mongolian MPs have had meetings with U.S. deputy secretary of energy Daniel Poneman, head of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Gregory Jaczko, director of NRC's office of International programs Margaret M.Doane and representatives of U.S. National mining association. They have exchanged views on bilateral cooperation.


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