About Mongolian-German joint consultative meeting

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ On November 15, at the Government House ran Mongolia-Germany joint consultative meeting in connection with financial support from Government of Germany. The aim of the meeting is to support the "Beehive" program, approved by the Mongolian Government, and to enhance a capability of the Council that will cooperate with citizens of Mongolia who are living abroad.

Among the gathered were a senior advisor to the Premier B.Dolgor, the Council members, delegations of state and NGOs, who will implement this project, also first Secretary of German Embassy in Mongolia M.Rossbach, a Senior Advisor to the Migration and Development project of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development /BMZ/ Dr. Hans Werner Mundt, a director of the Resident representative in Mongolia from the society of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation Sabine Muller.

Within the frames of a cooperation between Mongolia and Germany's Governments, the "Beehive" program has received a 200 thousand Euro support. Then the sides exchanged opinions on working out stategies of implementing the program and on selecting executor organisations.

A secretary of the Council Ch.Enkh-Erdene gave a report "Implementation and execution of 'Beehive' program in 2010-2011", a Senior Advisor to the Migration and Development project of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development /BMZ/ Dr. Hans Werner Mundt gave strategic advice about program implementation.

The joint consultative meeting has been co-organized by the Council and the Mongolian-Germany NGO "Bridge".


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