Stock Market update: Market Value sets record

On August 31, 86,200 shares of 21 JSCs were sold at MSE, totaling sales of MNT28.6mn. It helped in making record sales with increase of market value by 3.4%, reaching MNT1trn.Market value of MSE has increased two times since August of 2008, when the market value of MSE was MNT488bn. Experts consider it as the result of the Mongolian economy warming up and it is just dawn of such take off.


Also TOP-20 index is gradually and regularly increasing recently. As of yesterday, this index has increased by 3%, reached to 12298.52 points, setting the highest level in last 2.5 years. Surge of Shivee Ovoo, Tavan Tolgoi, Hermes Center, Baganuur, Nako Fuel, MakhImpex, JTB shares helped in increase of TOP-20 index.

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