Mongolia/MRAM GIS Digitisation

Development of a Digital Geological Information System Dataset

Executing Agency/Client:

Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia


The Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia (“MRAM”) is the primary authority for the regulation of mineral resources in Mongolia. Its key functions include the promotion of investment in the geological resources sector, as well as advising on and providing the Mongolian government with critical information related to geological issues bearing on the safety and welfare of Mongolia’s citizens. To this end, MRAM has the core role of preparing and interpreting geological data on behalf of and for its principal clients, the Government of Mongolia and the mineral resource development industry. MRAM holds the nation’s extensive collection of paper copy geo-scientific and mining administration information and is responsible for both archiving these data and interpreting them for the benefit of Mongolia. MRAM is the custodian of a large number of paper copy technical reports dating back from the Soviet times to the present and is committed to digitising point data from these reports and storing these data in a Geographic Information System (“GIS”) sufficient to enable their proper use and protection. MRAM also intends to scan all paper reports to protect the originals from progressive wear and tear characteristic of current constant use, as well as training staff in the proper management, usage and maintenance of such system.

The Government of Mongolia has requested technical cooperation assistance from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) in the digitisation and scanning of its mineral resource data (the “Project”). EBRD has agreed to provide the assistance requested and now seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced consulting firms concerning the Project.

Assignment Description:

The principal objective of the Project is to capture geochemical and geological point data from geological reports and maps and to support a process of digitisation of various scale map scale geological survey documents held in the MRAM library and the scanning other specific topics (thematic) survey reports, data and maps, together with the development of an Information System for easy access and consistent management of these data.

The Project will also assist MRAM in developing an appropriate information management system (both hardware and software) and business plan consistent with the requirements for dissemination of the digitised data according to international best practice. Additionally, the Project will also provide a programme of training for selected MRAM staff/officials. (The World Bank has been providing technical assistance to MRAM and this project will be administered consistent and in cooperation with the World Bank project(s) with MRAM.)

Tasks of Work:

Design and development of an integrated geological and mineral information system;

Scanning of reports and maps for use in data capture;

Design and recommendation of a digital reporting format for private sector reporting of exploration results;

Structured and on-the-job training in Geographic Information System application and development of new thematic mapping;

Information Management System Design and Implementation

Cost centre development, including business planning for the development of a sustainable revenue stream from data.

Assignment Start Date and Duration:

It is anticipated the assignment will commence in January 2011 and continue for approximately 36 months. Where necessary and appropriate, and subject to further approval and funding, the Project may be extended in time or scope.

Maximum Budget available for the Assignment:

EUR 1,200,000.00; exclusive of VAT.

The Consultant must determine whether any indirect taxes/VAT are chargeable on the proposed services and state the basis for such determination in the response to the Notice. If any indirect taxes/VAT are payable, the client will have to pay indirect taxes/VAT element to the services directly to the consultant/s unless otherwise agreed.

Funding Source:

It is anticipated that the contract will be financed 50:50 from EBRD Shareholders Special Fund and the Early Transition Countries Fund.


There are no eligibility restrictions.

Consultant Profile:

Corporate services are required. The Consultant will be a firm or consortium of firms with extensive previous project experience in carrying out similar assignments and in similar locations. It is anticipated that the consulting firm or consortium selected will comprise the following expertise profile:

Project Coordinator / Team Leader (minimum professional experience in management of international projects 10 years);

Senior Geologist or Geoscientist (minimum professional experience 15 years);

Digital Exploration and Mineral Resource Data Expert (minimum professional experience 15 years);

GIS Technology Expert (minimum professional experience 10 years);

System and Application Design Expert (minimum professional experience 10 years);

System Analyst (minimum professional experience 10 years);

System and Application Programming Expert (minimum professional experience 5 years);

Database Manager (minimum professional experience 5 years);

Information System Technology Expert (minimum professional experience 5 years);

Website Design and Development Expert (minimum professional experience 5 years);

Local Data Entry Staff as required to complete data entry within the contract period.


Interested firms are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest. In order to determine the capability and experience of consulting firms seeking to be shortlisted, the information submitted should include the following:

company profile(s), organisation and staffing;

details of experience or similar assignments undertaken in the previous five years, including their locations;

CVs of staff who could be available to work on the assignment.

The expression of interest must be accompanied by a completed Contact Sheet, the template for which is available from the following web-link:

The above information should not exceed 50 pages, including CVs.

Five (5) copies of the above information, in English, should be submitted to the Client in an envelope marked “Expression of Interest for Mongolia/EBRD/MRAM GIS Digitisation Technical Assistance Project”, to reach the Client (address below) not later than the above Closing Date.

A further three (3) copies should be submitted to EBRD (to the EBRD contact person designated below) by the same due date.

Note: Following this Invitation for Expression of Interest, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the availability of funding.


Please direct any questions about the project or procedures to EBRD

The Client’s Contact Person:


Head of Administration and Management Division

Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia

Builder's Square-3

Government building #12

Ulaanbaatar -15170



Fax: +976-11-310370


EBRD’s Contact Person:

Mr Andrea Baldan

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

One Exchange Square

London EC2A 2JN

United Kingdom

Tel: + 44 20 7338 7307

Fax: +44 20 7338 7451


This notice refers to goods, works, services or consultancy services to be procured through open and competitive tendering for projects financed by the EBRD. Potential tenderers desiring additional information on the procurement in question or the project in general should, unless indicated otherwise, contact the project agency and not the EBRD.

Last updated 26 August 2010

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