India, Mongolia to cooperate on security and foreign policy

Ulaanbaatar, Sep 3 (Montsame) India and Mongolia have agreed to widen the collaboration between the security and foreign policy organisations of the two countries. This was agreed during a visit of a high-level Indian delegation led by H Upadhyaya, Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee Secretariat under the National Security Council. During a meeting with Mongolian Minister of Foreign Affairs G Zandanshatar here, Upadhyaya said India is ready to give technical assistance to the National Security Council of Mongolia with an aim to widen the collaboration between the security and foreign policy organisations of the two countries. The Indian delegation visited Mongolia at the invitation of Enkhtuvshin, a Secretary of Mongolia's National Security Council. Zandanshatar underlined importance of keeping a frequency of high level mutual visits and political talks, and expressed his satisfaction with strengthening of the ties between the National security councils and defense organisations. The Mongolian minister said his country supports India's effort to become a member of the UN Security Council. He expressed a willingness to continue the cooperation with India in improving skills of Mongolia for participating in the UN peacekeeping operations and in frames of the multilateral cooperation for regional security. (Montsame)

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