the timeline of michael, the art edition

So this post will be split into different parts of my life enjoy.
  • My first interest in drawing came in 1996 when I was introduced to drawings done by Brian Smith. My mother worked for his mother and I always thought we were cousins because I'd call his mother my aunt [and we sorta looked similar back then]
  • My drawing started off by drawing over pictures and adding other items to them like lasers and rockets [like any kid my age should be doing]
  • A day at the beach was always the topic of choice for art in prep school until one day in grade 6 the teacher banned that choice. I had a sad :(
  • My first memory of drawing a vehicle was actually a vandalism of this other guy's drawings. He drew better than me but I thought of his drawings as boring, so I added wings and jets to his car drawings. He was pissed that I would do such sacrilege to his works of art.
  • At high school my drawing advanced significantly after being involved in mini competitions with Orville, Orville always won. I was only able to beat Orville after 4th form [mainly because he switched from drawing to studying]
  • The finale of our rivalry came with the final project for art in 3rd form. We both chose the topic "The robbery" I did a still of someone stealing a Ferrari 355 while Orville did an action shot of a Porsche 911 being chased by Police, it was called 911 vs 911. Orville won again.
  • Shortly after I met Gilberto who inspired me into drawing cars. I occasionally called him Giugario because of his drawing style. I got the short lived name of Sergio because of a Ferrari designer.
  • His brother commented on the rims of one my drawings, stating that it didn't look good. Ever since then most of my auto drawings lack wheels.
  • From high school until now I think the Porsche 911 is the hardest car to draw
  • Matthew Nesbeth thought me most of the engineering stuff surrounding cars like brake coolers and diffusers. Since this, my vehicle drawings changed from concept to something that could be built.
  • Got interested in graffiti after Kiran and I spent a good while trying decide what we should vandalize before we graduated. I failed at this.
  • Got exposed to comic drawing while at Pre UWI, tried but never succeeded at it.
  • Shortly realised that I can't draw caricature.
  • Learnt Photoshop at Pre UWI too, I still feel proud that I'm self taught :D, I had Ps 7 for most of my life and learnt to cope with it until getting CS4.
  • Also learnt Windows Movie Maker, haven't used it in ages.
  • Went to Edna Manley part time for a year, quickly learnt to use different materials and started drawing things that were not cars.
  • Applied to go to Edna Manley full time, I felt even more convinced after completing the written part of the application process.
  • My lecturer during my part time courses suggested I did graphic design, [funny enough the head of graphic design at edna is a member of the classic car club, and he interviewed me too.]
  • Eventually went to do architecture because they answered me first, I really wasn't expecting to get in, most of my friends still think I go to Edna.
  • Met Pete at CSA, he exposed me to a lot of pen and ink techniques [as well as some camera experiments]
  • Learnt to use other design programs at CSA [mostly self taught]: Google Sketch-Up, Dreamweaver, Auto CAD, Illustrator, In-Design, Virtual DJ [messed with for a short time], Flash [still learning] and 3DS Max [still learning]
  • Just recently I realized that all the artistic ppl are on my mother's side
After all of this, I realize that I need to assemble a full portfolio of my work

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