Know your car servicing terms!

[this was done in 3 posts, i decided to just merge all 3]

ok this is my 1st psp blog, here it goes....
Here are some terms you might find being mentioned by during regular service intervals


Alignment: this is the correction in alignment of your wheels, essentially it makes sure your wheels are pointing in the right direction. This requires your car to be lifted and its wheels attached to special equipment. If they didn't jack up your car, congrats you have been robbed. [nb some garages dont allow you to be near the garage bays where they do work for safety reason] You know your car needs alignment when either your car drifts to one side, if the car doesn't go straight when the steering wheel is or the front wheels have worn rapidly.

ok the psp has a limit on text boxes, neways.

Rotating: this the shifting, or rotating of your tyres. For this the tyres are switched to the opposite ends of the car. eg. your front right tyre would switch places with your left rear tyre. This ensures even wear of you tyres and prolongs the life of your tyres. nb not all tyres can be rotated in that manner, so do some research before you try this at home.

u know wat i might merge these wen i get back the computer, [which i did :P] neways.

Balancing: this ensures that your wheel is equally weighted to prevent vibrations. Although rims are perfectly round, you may find that the weight may be distributed unevenly as a result of various factors. This is fixed by first placing the wheel in a machine which identifies an area where a weight needs to be placed to balance the wheel. Weights are little lumps of lead located around the edge of the rim bordering the tyres and can be found in some cases on the surface of the inside of the wheel.

Bleeding: this is when there is air in a hydraulic line [in most instances its the brakes in other instances its the clutch but they use the same fluid anyways] Air in a hydraulic system can cause varying [or lack of] pressure when its being used. It is done by one person attaching the hydraulic lines to a bottle of brake fluid and another pumping the pedal to pump out the air and replace it with fluid. You can tell your car needs bleeding when the pressure drops in the pedals. [nb the clutch and the brakes are two independent hydraulic systems so you need to bleed them separately]

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