Governor of Russia's Sverdlovsk visiting Mongolia
Posted 07:53 AM ET
[By B. Huder] Ulaanbaatar, May 23, 2010 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX) -- Governor of Russia's Sverdlovsk Oblast Mr Aleksandr Misharin arrived Sunday [23 May] in Mongolia to pay a visit at invitation of N. Altanhuyag, the first deputy premier and head of the Mongolia-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission. The official visit of the governor will start on Monday.
A leader in the Russian Federation at the mining sector, Sverdlovsk Oblast used to train Mongolian mining professionals.
The governor is being accompanied by the oblast's minister of agriculture, minister of external economy and international relations, minister of sciences and production, rector of the University of Ural and some 50 business delegates.
In frames of the visit, Mr Misharin will be received by Mongolia's president and the deputy speaker, will hold meetings with the first deputy premier and some ministers. The business delegates are to meet with officials of member organizations of Mongolia's National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
As supposed, the official visit is to expand not only the Mongolia-Russia relations and cooperation but also a regional collaboration.
Source: Montsame website, Ulaanbaatar, in English 23 May 10
BBC Mon AS1 AsPol FS1 FsuPol pjt
BBC Monitoring. Copyright BBC.
[By B. Huder] Ulaanbaatar, May 23, 2010 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX) -- Governor of Russia's Sverdlovsk Oblast Mr Aleksandr Misharin arrived Sunday [23 May] in Mongolia to pay a visit at invitation of N. Altanhuyag, the first deputy premier and head of the Mongolia-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission. The official visit of the governor will start on Monday.
A leader in the Russian Federation at the mining sector, Sverdlovsk Oblast used to train Mongolian mining professionals.
The governor is being accompanied by the oblast's minister of agriculture, minister of external economy and international relations, minister of sciences and production, rector of the University of Ural and some 50 business delegates.
In frames of the visit, Mr Misharin will be received by Mongolia's president and the deputy speaker, will hold meetings with the first deputy premier and some ministers. The business delegates are to meet with officials of member organizations of Mongolia's National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
As supposed, the official visit is to expand not only the Mongolia-Russia relations and cooperation but also a regional collaboration.
Source: Montsame website, Ulaanbaatar, in English 23 May 10
BBC Mon AS1 AsPol FS1 FsuPol pjt
BBC Monitoring. Copyright BBC.
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