1.4 trillion MNT (US$1 billion) will be used for “Mongol Livestock” program
Last week, the State Great Khural adopted “Mongol Livestock” Program. The program has two phases in 2010 – 2021. MP Ts.Sedvaanchig has more.
Q: SGK adopted “Mongol Livestock” Program. What is the main goal of the program?
MP Ts.Sedvaanchig: Since transition to market economy, the State privatized the livestock and left this sector without any involvement or coordination. But now the precise state policy that meets with the market economy requirements is inevitable. Therefore, SGK adopted the program. Its goal is to modify and to reform the animal husbandry sector, which plays vital role in the living of people and growth of GDP of Mongolia, with the free economy environment. Its coordination is vast. Many laws and sub-programs will be born as the result of the program, i.e. Law on Pasture, Law on Herders’ Exchange. Also other programs of livestock insurance and supporting for the herders’ cooperatives will be implemented.
Livestock privatization has shown its benefit to people, but we ignored many other regulations, such as healthy livestock and veterinarian service. It is hard to talk about quality of livestock. Until now, herders only pursue the number, not the quality. As the result, it created problem of pasture capacity. The state policy is required to correct these problems. I believe that “Mongol Livestock” will play important role in solving these problems.
Q: How much fund is required for “Mongol Livestock” program?
MP Ts.Sedvaanchig: The program will be implemented in two phases for ten years. It is relative notion about the project budget. As for now, it will require 1.4 trillion MNT.
Q: Where is the resource of fund? Is it from the state budget?
MP Ts.Sedvaanchig: We will seek alternative resources, such as 3% of total budget would be allocated for the program. Also, foreign aid and donor countries and orgsanisations would be helpful for this program.
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