Racing Flags and their meanings
Green Flag
Yellow Flag
Watch it, caution, mostly put out after an accident. Comes in three flavors:
Local Yellow - only one part of the track is under disturbance, usually race continues as normal, pretty much car is in an area where it won't disrupt the race. Don't dare overtake in that area.
Full Course Yellow - bigger accident that can seriously impede on racing. Don't overtake!!!!!
Safety Car/Pace Car - if crash is so big that its gonna take some time to clean up a safety car is sent out to guide the race cars and keeps them at a steady speed, overtaking is definitely not allowed only exception is ppl who are lapped, the stewards might feel sorry for them and let them get un-lapped.
Red Flag
Race is stopped, sometimes stopped all together or it restarts later, usually done for huge accidents involving casualties or the track is jus completely unsafe. The winner is decided as the person who was leading the lap before the red flag was flown. If the race ends before the 70% mark, half points are given.
Blue Flag
Start blockin bitches cus someone's gonna overtake u!
Black Flag
lols u did smtn illegal and they caught u, go home
White Flag
One lap left
Checkered Flag
The race is over, drink champagne and go home
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